Tag: weight gain

  • 2020 Has Kicked My Butt And It Might Be A Good Thing

    2020 has been weird. Okay, that’s the understatement of the year, but I don’t know what I can say about it that hasn’t already been said about 4 billion times already so I’m going to leave it at that. Eight months into this year, and I’m thinking it’s time to get back into writing and…

  • “Health Food” Corner: What’s the Deal with Dried Fruit?

    I want to start a bit of a running segment here on the blog about “health” foods that may or may not be all that healthy. More and more I find myself having conversations with friends and clients where they are frustrated because they feel like they have been eating everything they are supposed to…

  • Hating Your Way To A Hotter Body

    I have a love-hate relationship with the fitness industry. One the one hand, it is full of truly inspiring people who help others dramatically improve their health, but there are also large parts of this industry that are built on a “no pain, no gain” mentality that preys on an individual’s insecurities. People are driven…

  • Is Eating Less Stalling Your Weight Loss Goals?

    You’re frustrated. You’ve been great about tracking what you eat, making sure you exercise, and there is no possible way that you are taking in more calories than you are burning so why aren’t you losing weight? The reality is, eating less is not always the solution. In fact, I would say that at least…

  • This is How Often You Need to Work Out to Get Results

    The magic question: how much do I need to work out to…lose 10 pounds? get a six-pack? be strong enough to bench press 200 pounds? You name a variation of this question and a trainer out there has heard it. Nobody wants to feel like a hamster on a wheel, working out without know if it…

  • Do You Have Chronic Health Concerns? Stay Safe Working Out With These 3 Tips

    Living with a chronic illness such as Fibromyalgia, Lyme, Hashimoto’s, Graves, Crohns, or Rheumatoid Arthritis is hard enough. Some days getting out of bed is the most that a person can muster and heading to work or school for the day is the mental and physical equivalent of finishing a marathon on a pogo stick.…

  • Burn Fat Fast With This Crucial Workout Tip

    What is the first thing you think to do when you want to lose a few pounds? For most people, lacing up their shoes to go for a run or hopping on an elliptical for an hour of sweaty boredom comes to mind. Well, you could do that and you would definitely burn some calories,…

  • The Common Workout Mistake That Is Stopping You From Losing Weight

    P90x, Crossfit, OrangeTheory, SoulCycle, Zumba…the list of exercise programs goes on almost as long as the debate over which one is the best. If you are trying to burn as much fat as you can each day, but are at a loss for how to best do that, this post is for you. I want…

  • Sleep Your Way To A Summer Body

    What if I told you that all you have to do is sleep more and it will help you lose weight/bulk up/tone/whatever your fit little heart desires? Have I got your attention? You’ve been told a million times about the importance of eating well and breaking a sweat for reaching and maintaining a healthy body…

  • Everything You Need to Know about Workout Nutrition

    There is a lot of information out there about nutrient timing, especially when it comes to what we should eat before, during, and after exercise. Do you load up on carbs beforehand? Do you need BCAAs mid-workout to keep up your energy? If you aren’t able to chug a protein shake within 20 minutes of…