Tag: wellness

  • 2020 Has Kicked My Butt And It Might Be A Good Thing

    2020 has been weird. Okay, that’s the understatement of the year, but I don’t know what I can say about it that hasn’t already been said about 4 billion times already so I’m going to leave it at that. Eight months into this year, and I’m thinking it’s time to get back into writing and…

  • What the Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know About Cellulite

    With summer fast approaching, I have had more and more conversations with people who are dreading swimsuit season. One of the top fears I hear is about cellulite–everyone wants to know how to make it disappear and everyone is scared of others knowing they have it. Cellulite is a tough topic because we have been…

  • Top 3 Exercises to Fix Lower Back Pain

    “Ow, my back!” We’ve all seen an episode (or two, or a million) of a sitcom where someone tries to pick something up, throws out their back, and spends the rest of the episode trying to pretend they didn’t hurt themselves and being unable to do the simplest of tasks. It might be overplayed on…

  • Do I Really Need Protein Powder? And Other Supplement Questions Answered.

    Have you ever been inside of a GNC or other supplement store and felt like your brain might implode from the endless options of health products that all claim to be the secret to living a healthy life? It’s spooky. I can’t go into one of those places without my head spinning and trying to…

  • What Happened to Your New Year’s Resolutions?

    We’re 7 weeks into the new year and by this point most people have long given up on their resolutions. It turns out January 12th is the fateful day that most of us throw in the towel and go back to eating chocolate donuts from the break room for lunch because old habits die hard…

  • Bath Time: Just for Kids or the Secret to Achieving Your Fitness Goals?

    I am a HUGE proponent of baths. Bubbles, candles, an episode of Grey’s Anatomy, maybe a glass of wine if the mood so strikes–I go all in on a relaxing night in the tub. And while the relaxation alone is a great reason to slide in, there are some big health benefits to bath time.…

  • Is Your New Year’s Resolution Destined to Fail?

    New Year’s Resolutions. You either love them or you hate them. I think most of us can agree we have failed to complete one at some point. Personally, I love planning and setting goals for myself–I do it at the start of every week and month, not just the new year, but it can be…

  • Hating Your Way To A Hotter Body

    I have a love-hate relationship with the fitness industry. One the one hand, it is full of truly inspiring people who help others dramatically improve their health, but there are also large parts of this industry that are built on a “no pain, no gain” mentality that preys on an individual’s insecurities. People are driven…

  • Fasting vs. Starving: Do You Know the Difference?

    Intermittent fasting has become a big trend in the world of wellness over the past few years, but what does it even mean? Aren’t you supposed to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day to keep your metabolism going? Isn’t breakfast the most important meal of the day? How do you get enough calories…

  • BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Nashville Friends, This One Is For You!

    BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Nashville Friends, This One Is For You!

    A TON of stuff has been going on behind the scenes in the world of Sarah Zimmer Fitness over the past few months and I want to share a collaboration that I am beyond excited about. Drumroll please….I am officially teaming up with Franklin Strength to offer Nutrition Coaching to their members! Franklin Strength is…