Tag: fitness

  • How to Create Your Dream Life With a Fitness Mission Statement

    Fitness is a lifelong process. It can be so easy to get caught up in fad diets or the latest popular workout, but what happens when you get bored? Or, what happens when you reach your goal? Do you just stop working out and eating veggies? I think we all know that long-term fitness doesn’t…

  • How To Set Goals That Work For You

    What is the first thing you think of when it comes to fitness goals? Lose 10 pounds? Be able to bench press a certain weight? Be able to touch your toes? All of these goals have something in common–they are completely out of your control. That sounds crazy, but I mean it. You can do…

  • Top 3 Exercises to Fix Lower Back Pain

    “Ow, my back!” We’ve all seen an episode (or two, or a million) of a sitcom where someone tries to pick something up, throws out their back, and spends the rest of the episode trying to pretend they didn’t hurt themselves and being unable to do the simplest of tasks. It might be overplayed on…

  • 3 Habits of Healthy People

    Most people want to be healthy, but it can be hard to know where to start. Different diets and exercise routines are being sold as the ultimate solution to our struggles for health and a lot of the time two completely opposite ideas are being sold as the healthiest. How is anyone supposed to parse…

  • The Number One Mistake You Are Making With Your Squats

    A good squat is something that I make every one of my clients do in their workouts each week, without fail. It’s simple, it makes your legs and butt look great, it takes no equipment (unless you want it to), and it makes it easier to pick up your kids or your pets without hurting…

  • “Health Food” Corner: What’s the Deal with Dried Fruit?

    I want to start a bit of a running segment here on the blog about “health” foods that may or may not be all that healthy. More and more I find myself having conversations with friends and clients where they are frustrated because they feel like they have been eating everything they are supposed to…

  • What Happened to Your New Year’s Resolutions?

    We’re 7 weeks into the new year and by this point most people have long given up on their resolutions. It turns out January 12th is the fateful day that most of us throw in the towel and go back to eating chocolate donuts from the break room for lunch because old habits die hard…

  • Work Your Butt Like Tom Brady

    Love him or hate him, everyone has to admit that Tom Brady knows a little something about staying in shape. Personally, I fall squarely into the “love him” category–so much so that my husband literally said in his wedding vows that he promised to love me as much as I love Tom Brady’s butt. So,…

  • The Ideal Workout for Better Skin

    We all know about the obvious benefits of exercise–lose weight, boost your metabolism, get those endorphins, blah blah blah. We get it. I, and countless others, have talked that to death so today I want to share a benefit of resistance training that you may not be aware of. Weight bearing exercises can actually make…

  • Bath Time: Just for Kids or the Secret to Achieving Your Fitness Goals?

    I am a HUGE proponent of baths. Bubbles, candles, an episode of Grey’s Anatomy, maybe a glass of wine if the mood so strikes–I go all in on a relaxing night in the tub. And while the relaxation alone is a great reason to slide in, there are some big health benefits to bath time.…