Tag: mental health

  • How to Create Your Dream Life With a Fitness Mission Statement

    Fitness is a lifelong process. It can be so easy to get caught up in fad diets or the latest popular workout, but what happens when you get bored? Or, what happens when you reach your goal? Do you just stop working out and eating veggies? I think we all know that long-term fitness doesn’t…

  • How To Set Goals That Work For You

    What is the first thing you think of when it comes to fitness goals? Lose 10 pounds? Be able to bench press a certain weight? Be able to touch your toes? All of these goals have something in common–they are completely out of your control. That sounds crazy, but I mean it. You can do…

  • The Case for Hiking as the Ultimate Workout for Mental and Physical Health

    This past weekend I went on a quick getaway to North Carolina to reset. It was a much needed chance to regroup, plan for the months ahead, connect with my husband, Chris, and enjoy a LOT of really good food and really good hiking. Definitely more food than hiking, but sometimes balance means leaning a…

  • How To Fit Fitness Into Your Life

    When I first started to commit to fitness I was in college. Not only did I have a full time class load, but I also worked 3 jobs totaling over 40 hours a week. Working the equivalent of a full time job as a full time student doesn’t leave a person with much time for…

  • Hating Your Way To A Hotter Body

    I have a love-hate relationship with the fitness industry. One the one hand, it is full of truly inspiring people who help others dramatically improve their health, but there are also large parts of this industry that are built on a “no pain, no gain” mentality that preys on an individual’s insecurities. People are driven…

  • Do You Have Chronic Health Concerns? Stay Safe Working Out With These 3 Tips

    Living with a chronic illness such as Fibromyalgia, Lyme, Hashimoto’s, Graves, Crohns, or Rheumatoid Arthritis is hard enough. Some days getting out of bed is the most that a person can muster and heading to work or school for the day is the mental and physical equivalent of finishing a marathon on a pogo stick.…

  • The Common Workout Mistake That Is Stopping You From Losing Weight

    P90x, Crossfit, OrangeTheory, SoulCycle, Zumba…the list of exercise programs goes on almost as long as the debate over which one is the best. If you are trying to burn as much fat as you can each day, but are at a loss for how to best do that, this post is for you. I want…

  • Stress and Weight Loss: Here’s What You Need To Know

    Confession time: I’m naturally a very anxious person. You might not think it since the internet is a place where nobody likes to air their dirty laundry (myself included!), but I have been dealing with panic attacks and bouts of depression for over a decade. I’m talking full on, shaking, can’t breathe, feel like my…

  • Could Stress Be Making You Fat? Here’s What You Need To Know

    Confession time: I’m naturally a very anxious person. You might not think it since the internet is a place where nobody likes to air their dirty laundry (myself included!), but I have been dealing with panic attacks and bouts of depression for over a decade. I’m talking full on, shaking, can’t breathe, feel like my…

  • Get Outside: It Could Change Your Life

    Get Outside: It Could Change Your Life

    This morning I found myself on my way to a session when I got that dreaded last minute cancellation text. It was 5:30 and I thought about my options: I could turn around and go back to bed for an hour, or I could stay up, go for a walk, and enjoy the sunrise while…